Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6/11 Sitting in Munich...

Feel like I should start these things in some kind of “Star Date” way...  I must be tired.  My nerdy side is showing too much...  Sitting at the Munich Airport waiting for our flight into Rome.  I have “Pop Muzik” stuck in my head, and I probably look like a crazy person for bopping around to this invisible music.  On an interesting note, there are some “Napcabs” right next to me.  Yup, exactly what they sound like.  You pay, and you get a little 4x5 cubby to sleep in, or work, or whatever you need relative privacy for.  Kinda cool, but I’d be afraid I’d over sleep...  There is also free little coffee dispensers.  Nice touch Lufthansa. 

The flight here was uneventful.  Plane went up, people snored, plane came down.  (On purpose, otherwise I wouldn’t be so calmly writing this)  Anyone who knows me knows I got maybe 15 minutes of sleep on that plane, so if I’m not making sense that’s what’s up.  I just can’t figure out how you hold your head up and sleep at the same time.  I know my freshman have mastered this trick, but I’m still a novice.  I’d wake up every time my head started falling to one side.  Which means I watched a movie, four episodes of “Merlin,” listened to most of the music I stole from Jessie and Adrianne, and I even had time left over to play solitaire.  Why does that word not look right...  Anyways, I think I’ll be changing my seat to a window seat on the way back.  I want to watch the pretty clouds!  This coffee is kinda icky...  Tastes like...  Coffee...  Meh.

So when we first touched down the first thing that struck me was the trees.  They look funny!  There was something out there that looked like a Joshua Tree, but obviously that can’t be right. I’m really excited to get out there and check them out close up.  I’d bother getting a field guide, but I’m not sure how practical that is...  Think I can get a Europe plant guide in English?  Probably, but I’m doubting there’s a Barnes and Noble in Viterbo.  Wonder if I could snag some leaves and press them to bring back.  Make my kids create a dichotomous key with those suckers!  Course it would help if I knew what they were first.  (On a side note, someone is checking into one of those NapCabs!  How cute!)  If any of you just pulled up Amazon to check, find me a bird book too.  Not sure how I can continue my life list if they aren’t in my Western Region book I use.  I really should get the Eastern Region book too...  I’m just a slacker.

Alright, this mom playing with her adorable 3 year old toe head kid is distracting me.  Must either be the coffee or lack of sleep, or just my normal charming overstimulated personality...  Maybe time for Merlin episode five. 

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