Saturday, June 29, 2013

6/28 Normal Friday

You ever have one of those days where you swear you can’t do anything right?  I’m totally there right now.  Seems every little decision I’ve made today I’ve questioned, from did I take the right street to should I really have let that spider go.  Hate these types of days.  I blame the “The American’s aren’t right” mentality from some of these Italians...  I don’t care what that lady thinks, I like the rain.  
Today's work

I don’t have much to report today.  Typical lab day.  Cleaned some cores, made some new cores, came home.  It was raining, so that’s a bit different.  Nice to feel the rain in my hair, so fresh.  I know I mentioned buying an umbrella on FaceBook, but it just seems like a waste of money.  People don’t melt in the rain, I could really care less what my hair looks like, and it wasn’t hard enough to saturate my sweater.  So I bypassed that.  There are better things to spend 10 euros on.

Lexy, Claire and I went out to the bar we went to with the USAC students.  This time Alfredo and Stefano joined us, two italians we know from the university.  There is some sadistic fun talking in mostly slang and watching their faces, course this always leads to discussions about the differences in our languages.  Once I told Alfredo I play the bass, so he later brought that up again, however saying it like the fish.  This resulted in a half hour conversations between the two, and he even brought in the baseball type of base.  All I can say is I’m very happy I don’t have to learn English.  It simply makes no sense.  At another point in the night Lexy wanted to know what they put in lemonchellos, like what kind of alcohol. This launched us into a half hour discussion about what it means to “put in” a drink.  (Course really I don’t think they knew, they seemed to be stalling till Lexy just simply asked the bar tender)  

After apertivo we walked around the Caffiena festival a bit.  There are tents set up all over our piazza, through the medieval districted, then north of here to Piazza Sacrario where Claire’s apartment is.  These booths seem to contain everything from photovoltaic cell info, to books, to honey, to gelato.  Lexy and I were both very excited because the booths right outside our door hold everything we could need:  fruits and veggies, wine, gelato, mojitos...  Of all the booths I think we lucked out with the best ones.  These are all affiliated with the Slow Foods Movement, which was started here in Italy.  I’m not really familiar with it, I’ve only been told about it once from a friend in the states.  Basically if I’m getting this right it’s just about taking food back to its basics (very easy with these amazing Italian dishes) and making that food from local ingredients.  So, no highly processed hydrogenated wannabe-plastic nacho cheese.  Man I mess that stuff...  You can tell many of the little shops here in Viterbo believe in this slow foods movement.  Looking at a fruit stand the fruits all look natural, not genetically modified or waxed.  Many of the shop keepers have them delivered from local farms.  Cheeses are made at the stores from local ingredients, meats are for the most part local.  It’s quite amazing, and now I more than ever want to go home and start my own garden.  The food is just simply amazing.  Ok, so the festival is more than just food.  Walking around we saw piazzas where people were holding discussions conference style, two people talking up on a stage.  Not a clue what they were talking about, Alfredo didn’t translate.  In other piazzas bands were (are) playing.  The streets they were crazy busy, and at one point I lost the group trying to keep up.  Luckily Alfredo stayed with me, I think I knew where I was, but it was a potential recipe for a very tired easy-to-get-lost Kristina to spend hours trying to find her apartment!  About 10 minutes later we found them.  Leave it to my luck, this was the one time Lexy wasn’t wearing highlighter so she was more difficult to find.  After wandering around a bit more and having our nightly gelato fix, we ventured home.  Tomorrow we are hitching a ride from Alfredo to the sea, so that should be fun.  Looking forward to more sun, and maybe chasing some waves.  I’ll let Lexy, Claire and Alfredo do the swimming!

See?  Told you.  Not much today.  I hope to get some great pictures for you of the beach tomorrow.  I’m thinking I should get some sleep, maybe I’ll feel better in the morning.

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