Sunday, June 9, 2013

6/9 The Pending Trip

So I’m just sitting here, the day before I leave on a five week adventure, watching TV with my son.  I have a million things I should do, but right now Yo Gabba Gabba seems the most important.  I can pack just before I leave, right?

It’s probably about time I explain what all of this is about.  The name of the project is “Reconstructing 2500 years of global climate change in the Rieti basin,” and yes I can say that still after two beers.  I’ve been given a lot of information about this project, so let me try to give you a reader’s digest version.  (Also keep in mind, I’ve been given a lot of information about this.  I’m bound to mix things up!)  This is a three year long project that was started last summer.  The researchers have already started their work in the Rieti basin taking core samples from one of the three lakes we are studying and taking note of the nearby plant life.  This summer we are going to be core sampling another of the lakes, and continuing the plant count.  Some of the core samples will be analyzed at the university in Viterbo, looking at I believe the amount of pollen that was deposited year by year.  This information can then be compared to historical records describing the climate for that time period.

As many of you know I’m a teacher.  My undergrad is in teaching, my grad is in teaching.  I’m not a researcher.  I think it’s very interesting, and I’m extremely excited to be part of it, but when it comes down to it I’m in totally over my head in regards to the research part!  But, luckily, that is not my function of being part of this team.  The NSF, the people responsible for the grant sending me to lovely Italy, are strongly driven by bringing these research topics into the classroom.  I bet you can see where I’m going now, huh?  My job is to help in research, get everything I can out of it, and then use what I’ve learned to write some stellar lesson plans.  A coworker of mine yesterday told me to let her know if I reinvent the wheel while I’m in Italy, and that’s exactly what I intend on doing.  (Granted, it may come out square and needing lots of work, but doesn’t that sound like fun!!??)

This blog is part of my requirement of being part of this team.  Requirement seems kinda harsh...  I’m to have some type of written record of my time in Italy, and the blog was suggested by someone close to me and it all seemed to fit.  Why not write everything I’ve done, thought, and experienced in one spot?  They are happy that I’ve done this part, you all can have some light reading to put you to sleep, and better yet I can laugh at myself in the years down the road at my excessive use of commas.

Alright, the what is out of the way.  For the record, it’s about five hours later from when I started this post.  My Bug is down for a nap, and the grocery shopping is done.  Which, of course, means I’ve procrastinated on packing for yet another few hours.  I could easily say at this point that I’m putting off packing because I’m so anxious about leaving the country for five weeks.  While I am anxious, I just hate packing.  I’d pack the hour before I left even if I was just going to the coast.  In a garbage bag.  Doesn’t bother me.  (I know at least one of you cringed at that!)  The nerves are starting to pick up even more as my departure time gets closer.  Why not?  First time out of the country (ignoring Canada- FYI do NOT say you are just going into Canada for five minutes, they will search your car), leaving my son for five weeks, going somewhere where I don’t speak the language (I’ve tried to learn some...  I still spout out my high school French though.  I’m hopeless), and not getting to hold my son for five weeks.  On the flip side, I am quite excited about visiting somewhere with so much history.  I’m not normally a history person, but this is all COOL history!  My definition of old is seriously going to change.  I’m excited to experience a different culture, eat real Italian food, discover what it’s like to not have air conditioning, taste good wine...

Blah...  I suppose I should go pack...  All I need is a passport and a toothbrush, right?  I wonder what’s on TV....

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