Wednesday, July 10, 2013

7/10 Oh Italy...

It’s going to be difficult to fit back into American time tomorrow.  Had dinner at 8pm last night didn't get to bed until 1am.  Such a busy day which leaves me to write this blog again the following morning.  However this is quite nice.  I’m sitting in a little cafe by my house, my third time here.  Love this little sitting area, and I absolutely adore their cornettos.  

My Coke Shop
So the day was really good!  Got up at my normal 6:30am and took it easy.  Started my walk to the university around 7:30, taking my time trying to soak up Viterbo before tomorrow's departure.  Viterbo is really so beautiful.  I can’t get over how lucky I am to be here and not some larger city like Rome.  The feel here is just amazing, I love walking down the streets and saying hi to the people that remember me.  Like the little lady at the shop I get my cokes from, the bum on the steps by the ATM, the little old man that runs that coffee shop on my route...  On our first day here Scott had taken us around to all these people and showed us the best shops.  I was so overwhelmed and what he was doing didn’t quite make sense.  Now I can just imagine bringing someone else here and doing the exact same thing to them.  Five weeks is a good amount of time to start building these relationships.

Part of my daily walk
But, alas, back to the blog.  I took my time on the walk, enjoyed the park and watched the ducks for a little bit.  Most of the day was just lab work, and boy did we plow through that.  There are four of 20 left for today, we will be working a half day at most.  Had my wonderful lunch, same as always.  Mushroom pizza and a slice of hash brown pizza.  I’m totally trying to make both of those when I get home!  The clouds rolled in around 4, so Claire and I decided to take off at that point.

The best pizza!
I was told earlier in this trip that I notice everything.  All those car horns, the strange men in the park boxing trees, the mismatched shoes on people...  Yesterday I decided I don’t want to observe so much anymore.  I suggest you skip the rest of this paragraph.  Claire and I were on our way home, and we were walking past a little cubby by some garbage cans.  We were talking away, and as we approached the cubby I saw a look of pure horror on this man’s face.  Then I stupidly looked down.  Let’s just say I was not hungry for a very long time.  Claire was adorable, she couldn’t figure out why I turned so green and started power walking.

Drew's last gift
We hit a few stores on the way home, I picked up a few small gifts for my friend’s kiddos, then headed home.  I had my laptop in my bag, and it was starting to rain.  I love the rain here in Italy, it’s not cold, not windy, just this nice little shower falling from the sky.  I ventured back out in the rain to look in a few more shops.  The other awesome thing about rain in Italy is it seems so many people are afraid of it.  As I was walking down the street I had the entire middle of it to myself.  Everyone else was bunched against the side.  A few people were walking with their umbrellas, but that was about it.  I just made sure I ducked into a shop when I got too wet, no big deal.  I got some funny looks from some of the watchers.  Not sure if they thought I was crazy, or thought it was good I wasn’t afraid.  

After the shopping I met up with Claire and Alfredo at MangaManga for a drink and some apritivo.  Those things are amazing.  Love buying a drink, then getting all you can eat food.  Two of Alfredo’s friends were there for a bit, then it was just us three.  Claire has been abusing the Italian people to teach her Italian, so we both got some practice on how to roll our R’s.  After our pratically free meal we took off to find some gelato.  Ahhh, gelato.  How I’ll miss you.  And these cappuccinos...  We went to the best one in Viterbo, right by Porta de Verita.  This is Scott’s favorite one, and even the friends of Alfredo’s we ran into on the way agreed.  They have the most flavors, and they are all so good.  Last night’s flavors for me were creme brule, and honey.  
Oh how I'll miss this!

So, overall, easy day.  Not much to report.  Today is going to be hard, being my last day here in Viterbo.  I’m going to do my best to savor every moment of it, even dance in the rain again tonight.  I suppose that is one of the good things Mrs. McCarty-Puhl taught us that day on the precipice in Yosemite with the jelly bean.  Savor every moment, cause its going to come to an end.  And with that, I’m off to the university!

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