Saturday, July 6, 2013

7/6 Lago de Bosina

I’m really sad to think that tomorrow is the last day of Caffeina.  I’m even more sad to see that I think I missed Joe Bastianich last night.  Looks like he was at Parco Del Paradosso.  I was totally wondering why I was seeing his books at the stands!  

Instead of basking in the glow of Joe, I was at Giardino Porta Fiortia where there was a nice set up for the bands playing there.  Felt like a genuine concert!  This isn’t like the piazzas where I’ve been watching the other bands, there was a little walled off area right by the larger wall set up with a stage.  Kind of had a Warped Tour feel to it.  Anyway, the first band, The Blue Cookies was ok.  They came out playing a cover song, one by a band I don’t like, so instantly I didn’t pay much attention to them.  Claire and I went for a small walk, found her a beer and me a bagno.  The next band, Mad Harms, was a bit better.  Still opened with a cover song.  I’m not sure why both of these bands chose to do that, instantly I was comparing them to the originals which they were no where near in ability.  Luckily I wasn’t alone.  Before venturing out to the concert Lexy, Claire, Negar, and I met up with Alfredo and his friend Hector.  Hector is from Ukraine and has been stuck working with Alfredo in the past.  Poor guy, he seems far to nice to be subject to Alfredo  :)  We had all gone over to the concert, and met up with some more of Alfredo’s and Claire’s friends from hiking.  At this point there was quite a group of us, so finding someone to talk to while the band played was not an issue.  The last band was Sunday Recovery.  The lead singer, Fabio, was a super nice guy, and also a long time friend of Alfredo’s.  He came over and spoke with us for a while, which I enjoyed cause he had the cutest British accent!  When his band was up, they were very good.  No cover songs, just good rock music.  More typical of four piece types of bands we see, no box players in this group!  Most of our group faded out at this point, but me and a few of them lasted till the end.  Afterwards we went and spoke to the band a bit, then journeyed out for a late night walk.  I made it home about 2:am.  I’m fitting in way too much for this!  But the problem is that I still can’t sleep in, I was up at 6:30.

After a pot of coffee, plus a bit more, we decided to go to the lake today.  Hector drove Nakor, Lexy, Claire and I over to Lago de Bosina.  Nice little stretch of sand with some huge trees growing over a grassy area right on the banks of the lake.  Beside us there were several tents set up with some computers, and some very large fishing poles.  Apparently there was some fishing competition going on, and most of the participants seemed to be American.  Silly Americans and their fishing!!!  While we were there we watched this small blonde lady catch three of these crazy large fish, and one got away.  They seemed to be weighing and measuring these fish, then sending them back out.  All I can say is I really want some nice grilled trout...
Aside from the awesome fish spectacle, there were hundreds of sail boats on the lake.  There must have been some kind of competition, in these large groups they would said out across the lake then back.  Looked like a busy sail boat freeway across the lake.  There was also a gaggle of Canadian geese gracing the lake with their presence.  Alfredo didn’t know if they were really Canadian geese, and he hasn’t made good on his promise of finding me a bird book, but they looked the same.  Very surprised at the lack of different birds here...  I’ve seen house sparrows, magpies, starlings, pigeons...  Not surprising I guess, those are invasive species anyways.  

Almost forgot the other good lake past time!  There were lots of little kids that would comb the beach with their little buckets picking up treasures along the beach.  It would have been so sweet, if they hadn’t been picking up little dead fish.  I really want to know what was wrong in that lake to yeild so many of these.  We saw larger ones, probably about 6 inches long at most also washed up on the banks.  The few times we ventured out in the water we all went quickly past the “dead fish zone.”  At one point Claire saw a stick in the water and thought it was a dead fish and freaked out.  Very entertaining!

For lunch we munched on fruit.  I felt very American as I pulled out my half a watermelon and dug into it with my pocket knife.  Yup.  That’s the way we do it.  Around this point in our day Alfredo showed up with some more fruit and some pizza.  I had been so wrapped up in the end of my book I missed it, but I was full of watermelon anyways so I was a happy girl.  It was surprising to see Alfredo, until Hector told us some news that made me very grumpy.  He was leaving to go see Muse!  They are playing tonight in Rome, Lexy and I had thought to go but the tickets were sold out.  I tried to steal Hector’s ticket, but that man is crafty.  Sooo, our ride left with Negar, and that left us three girls with our back up ride.  I suppose it’s better than the bus!

We stayed for a while more, as the redness on my legs can show, then we headed out.  Riding home in Alfredo’s car I noticed something.  Alfredo drives a new VW Golf.  VERY nice little car, I wonder if I could fit it in my luggage...  Anyway, we were driving along and I realized I could read all the little buttons and labels in the car.  Why are they not in Italian!?  Aren’t these labels important!?  All Italians don’t read English!  Some things will never make sense.  

Well, that brings us back to now.  I made some munchies cause that watermelon is long gone, had some ricotta and honey, and now us girls are prepping for a little Viterbo shopping trip.  Yes, it’s almost 7:pm, and we are going out soon.  How crazy is that?  Most of the stores will be open, and on a Saturday night this is one of the more prime times to go shopping here.  I’ll never understand Italy!

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