Wednesday, July 3, 2013

7/3 Wednesday in Viterbo

Holy whisker biscuits I forgot to take any pictures today!  That’s a first!!  I’m at well over 2k on my computer, most of them pretty good.  Don’t remember what most of them are though...  Oh well.  

Alfredo dashing my hopes
So today was another lab day.  Not much to tell you there.  Went through another 7 samples, very fun stuff.  I guess there was one deviation.  OH!  AND ONE PICTURE!  Let me recap before I dive into this.  Our process of cleaning cores goes like this:  We soak 5cm of sediment in a solution, then we sift it to collect all the larger particles.  These particles are put on a petri dish and examined under a microscope.  Then all terrestrial leaves, twigs, or other interesting things are removed and put in a vial.  The remainder of the stuff goes in another vial.  Turns out it runs about $600.00 to do one carbon dating sample.  I’ve done over 40 cores so far, creating about 25 vials of potential stuff to carbon date.  Basically if it’s not good stuff, there is no point in waisting the money on it.  So here I am, a basic biology teacher, pulling random things out to spend $600.00 on!  GAH!  I have to comment Scott here, he did tell me that I’m an expert on this now.  Out of everyone on the project I have the most experience, and he said I was doing a good job.  Yup.  I glowed at that point.  Anyway, I have all these vials, and Scott wanted to take a look at what was there.  After glancing at a few under the scope he had Alfredo come in.  Not sure I ever said what Alfredo did, he’s the resident plant guy, a professor that the University that teaches all the ecological botany classes and such.  So Scott defers to him on his knowledge of plants.  Mean Alfredo turned down quite a few of my samples.  (I kinda figured this would happen, there isn’t much to work with)  That was about the only deviation in my day...
Pasta.  With Olives.  In a vending machine.

I really don’t have much else to report.  And I don’t have many pictures.  So this would be a great time to tell you about after hours shopping!  Actually shopping in general.  So strange here.  At 4 when we are coming home, the stores are closed.  At 10 when we are going out for gelato, the stores are open.  If you want to buy shoes at midnight, sure thing!  But don’t want bread.  Shopping here is so hard...  Now, for the people like me that can’t figure out the schedule, they have lots of vending machines.  We even found one that sells pasta and sauce.  So next time you forget you are having company and need more food, just visit your local vending mall!  Crazy stuff.  
Ok, this is a short one today.  I think I’m going to crash.  And I have some yummy cookies and a book calling my name.  Tomorrow is another lab day, but I’ll brainstorm as I clean cores about something new and snazzy to tell you.  I’m open to ideas!!!

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